As we are fully aware of, this time of year always brings out “Best of” and “Top Ten” lists, so in the spirit of the season, I have compiled a list of my Top Ten Firsts of 2012: 10. Red Robin – While not an earth-shattering first, it still deserves mention, because I got to […]
Tag: weight loss
I have a confession to make. I like to drive fast, and I tend to speed. I’ve been that way for as long as I’ve been able to drive, and that got me into a lot of trouble when I was younger. I learned my lesson for a while and kept my tendency to speed […]
A little less than six months ago, an idea was born. I was about to celebrate my 43rd birthday, and I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone, to step out of my box, and to embrace new experiences. During the first six months, I got quite a few experiences. I […]
By midweek I was wondering if an opportunity for out of the box living would present itself. I’ve already gotten an idea of what I want to do for next week. I will have the week off from classes, so I figured next Saturday I will try to spend 24 hours away from my technological […]
It’s been a while since I’ve put virtual pen to paper, (or real pen to paper, for that matter), but I’m back, baby! New name, new design and, hopefully, new things to say…
My own version of “300”
Yes, that’s right. I’ve got my own version of “300”. Only it does not involve 300 half-naked, sweaty men fighting a battle they can’t win, it involves one fully clothed, sometimes sweaty guy who’s fighting a battle of the bulge. Yes, that’s right, ladies and gentlemen. I stepped on the scale Monday morning, only to […]