As we are fully aware of, this time of year always brings out “Best of” and “Top Ten” lists, so in the spirit of the season, I have compiled a list of my Top Ten Firsts of 2012: 10. Red Robin – While not an earth-shattering first, it still deserves mention, because I got to […]
Tag: Rome
Europe Epilogue
Transcribing my journal notes helped me to relive the most amazing trip I ever had, but there is so much that I didn’t cover in my notes. I was worried that taking the trip in early March would mean cold weather, but, except for the aforementioned half-hour of rain in Barcelona, the weather during the […]
Rome Ramble
When last we left our intrepid world traveler, he was on his way from Barcelona to Rome. The journey continues… March 7, 2012 10:45PM Rome Time So, my wild time in Roma is almost done. I arrived around 5:30 last night and made it to my hotel room, the Beehive, by 6:00. It was too […]