As we are fully aware of, this time of year always brings out “Best of” and “Top Ten” lists, so in the spirit of the season, I have compiled a list of my Top Ten Firsts of 2012: 10. Red Robin – While not an earth-shattering first, it still deserves mention, because I got to […]
Tag: tv show
My Year in Review
So, here I am at the end of 43, about to turn 44 tomorrow. And looking back, this year has had by far some of the most interesting and unexpected turns. As the last couple of hours’ worth of sand trickle through the hourglass, I would like to take a moment to reflect on all […]
Today after work I went to try out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I’d just had my 43rd birthday yesterday and for some reason just decided I wanted to try something different. After a couple of wrong turns, I managed to finally find my way to the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, which is […]