General Living Politics Thinking


I’m half black, half white, and fully Hispanic. But let’s pretend I was white and wrote the following: “It was a warm evening in September, a couple of weeks after Dillon Taylor got shot, and somewhere in the mix I brought up Salt Lake City, hoping to spark a ‘conscious conversation.’ Then it happened. The […]

General Humor Living

3 Things I learned from Eugene

Since his first appearance on AMC’s The Walking Dead, “Doctor” Eugene Porter has been one of the quirkiest characters. His antics led to him becoming one of my favorites on the show. My fiancĂ©e and I were discussing him one day a couple of weeks ago, and I introduced her to another Eugene from back […]

Food General Health and Fitness Living Out of the box Travel

It Was a Very Good Year

As we are fully aware of, this time of year always brings out “Best of” and “Top Ten” lists, so in the spirit of the season, I have compiled a list of my Top Ten Firsts of 2012: 10. Red Robin – While not an earth-shattering first, it still deserves mention, because I got to […]

General Health and Fitness Living


It’s been a while since I’ve put virtual pen to paper, (or real pen to paper, for that matter), but I’m back, baby! New name, new design and, hopefully, new things to say…


Truth, Justice and the American Way?

For those old-school comic book fans, and actually for many who are not, the phrase “truth, justice, and the American way” immediately conjure up images of Superman. He was heralded through the 40s and 50s as the champion for those virtues, and even so recently as in 1978 in the Superman movie, Superman himself claimed […]