Christianity Living Out of the box Travel

My Year in Review

So, here I am at the end of 43, about to turn 44 tomorrow. And looking back, this year has had by far some of the most interesting and unexpected turns. As the last couple of hours’ worth of sand trickle through the hourglass, I would like to take a moment to reflect on all […]

Health and Fitness Living Out of the box Thinking

Back from Hiatus

A little less than six months ago, an idea was born. I was about to celebrate my 43rd birthday, and I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone, to step out of my box, and to embrace new experiences. During the first six months, I got quite a few experiences. I […]

Christianity Living Out of the box Thinking

Happy New Year!!

So, here we are at the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. A blank canvas to start fresh on. But before moving forward, it never hurts to look back to where you’ve been. 2011 was a year of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, triumphs and tribulations. (but isn’t every […]

Living Out of the box

My Final Answer Redux

My apologies for those of you who only follow me on here and not on Facebook, as I left you hanging about my appearance on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. Without further ado, here it is: [youtube=]

Living Out of the box

My Final Answer

For those of you who have been following my blog, you are all aware that one of the first major out-of-the-box experiences for my new year consisted of trying out for – and subsequently getting on – “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” Well, if my life were a comic book, the last issue for […]

Christianity Living Out of the box Thinking

Millionaire Musings

[youtube=] I love this song, and it’s been running through my head for obvious reasons. The first verse starts out: Imagine this, I get a phone call from Regis. He says “Do you want to be a millionaire? They put me on the show and I win with two lifelines to spare. I’ve sung this […]

Christianity Living Out of the box

Feeling like a million “box”

[youtube=] As I mentioned on the 13th, I had planned on revisiting my study of the fruits of the Spirit for the next nine weeks. As the saying goes, life is what happens when you’re busy making plans. Two days after that blog, I got a phone call from New York. For those of you […]

Health and Fitness Living Out of the box

I Am…Not The Biggest Loser

By midweek I was wondering if an opportunity for out of the box living would present itself. I’ve already gotten an idea of what I want to do for next week. I will have the week off from classes, so I figured next Saturday I will try to spend 24 hours away from my technological […]

Living Out of the box

Making My Voice Heard

As I mentioned earlier today, I tried out for the Voice. This is the most out-of-the-box experience so far, even more so than the Millionaire tryouts and nothing like I imagined it would be. Here’s what I imagined. I got the audition ticket that said I should show up at 2pm. I imagined I would […]

Living Out of the box

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Me!

Today after work I went to try out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I’d just had my 43rd birthday yesterday and for some reason just decided I wanted to try something different. After a couple of wrong turns, I managed to finally find my way to the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, which is […]