
Echoes, Day 6

More foundation work today. I started working on the beat sheets for each of my characters, wanting to know their arc before I even begin writing. It will give me an idea of how each character will react to given situations. For some, filling the beat sheet was easy. For others, I still have gaping holes I hope to fill in tomorrow. I also know that things will change as I do the rewrite, but I want as much of a plan as possible so that, at best, I stray a little off the path and visit an unexpected site, instead of finding myself driving off a cliff as I go completely off the map.

I decided who my main character is. As I’ve mentioned, this novel has seven point-of-view characters, so they’re all technically main characters, but Save the Cat! suggests having your “one true hero.” This is the person the reader first meets, the one who has the biggest change from the beginning of the book to the end. I was surprised to discover it was neither of the two I had considered at first. While the two characters do have good change arcs, the one I finally landed on will be the best choice, I think.

So, one more day tomorrow to do any final prep. Then, it will be time to write, write, write.

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