A net total of 725 words today, and a LOT of editing. But I did put in two solid hours of work into those words, so that, to me, is an accomplishment.
For some reason, this revision is a lot harder than the ones before. Well, not for some reason. I know why. Prior to reading the books by Jessica Brody and Larry Brooks, I had a vague idea of how to put a story together, kind of like someone who wants to be an architect, and surmises that the first floor must be built before the second floor.
But now, I have been through some architectural classes. I know it’s not a simple matter of one floor on top of another. I understand what the structure of the first floor—the first act—has to be in order to better support the following floors. It requires more care when you’re building to specifications than if you’re winging it as you go. So, yes, this is slow going, and boy, do I wish there was a faster way. But I know this is a better way.