
NaNo, Day 2, Part 2

I’ve been able to write a steady average of 1,000 words with every sitting, and I managed to do the same again, hitting 4,056. I may try another round tonight, but even if I don’t, I’m ahead of the curve right now. This session was the first one where I found the words flowing a […]


NaNo Day 2

Day 2 and the writing isn’t getting any easier. But the writing is getting done. I seem to be able to hit a comfortable 1,000 words per sitting (I actually hit 999 today), so at that rate, I only need to sit down another 47 times this month to finish. One of my biggest questions […]


NaNo Day 1, Part 2

Decided to try to get more words in this evening to get to at least the minimum of 1,667 words per day that guarantees a win by the end of the month. I managed to hit that goal, and did a good portion of it during a word sprint. Simply put, that’s where several writers […]


NaNo Day 1

First words down! So many more to go. It’s amazing what I’ve been picturing in my head vs. what actually happened. I’ve been living this story for the last three days, thinking of plot points, and sure of the direction everything was going, so I imagined I would be writing like a maniac at the […]


Protected: Nano2020

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


NaNo Eve!

Tomorrow is the big day, so I’m taking it relatively easy today. I have taken care of a few last-minute preparations. I set up my template on Scrivener, which will be my word processor of choice for this event. I have my treats, one for every thousand words. And I have a sweet-smelling candle I […]


NaNo Prep

When I did NaNoWriMo in the past, I usually gave myself enough time to plan and research. Chris Baty, in No Plot? No Problem!, recommends no more than a month of planning. Because of my late decision, I only had 3 days to prepare. Thankfully, the idea I’m going to be working with this year […]


Jack’s Back!

Hello! The title of this blog is two-fold in meaning. Yes, I’m back and ready to write again, but this is also going to be the title of my NaNoWriMo for 2020! I decided, just today, that it was time to jump back into the insanity, and what better year than this? For those who […]

#WordNerdWednesday Writing

You so ‘Cracy!

“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” – Sir Winston Churchill As a writer and self-proclaimed wordsmith, I love making new discoveries in the English language. Thanks to my friend Robert, I recently learned the word kakistocracy, “government by the worst.” (This […]