
NaNo Day 1, Part 2

Decided to try to get more words in this evening to get to at least the minimum of 1,667 words per day that guarantees a win by the end of the month. I managed to hit that goal, and did a good portion of it during a word sprint. Simply put, that’s where several writers get together for a set amount of time and try to write as many words as possible. It was quite fun. As for the story itself, no changes made their way through my brain, so we’re continuing on this path. Following the Save the Cat Beat Sheet, I still should have about another 3,000 words before my catalyst. Not sure how I’m going to fill those. Or I may just decide to move the catalyst up. We’ll see. Without further ado, I give you the next 1,013 words from my opusculum.

No pictures on the wall. No touches of personality. It looked exactly like it did when I moved in seven years ago. A living room with only a sofa and a coffee table. No need for more as I never had company over. A kitchen with enough silverware for one. A bedroom with a twin bed. I never needed anything over the years. I kept to myself, and never wanted for anything. I know some people would look around and wonder at my financial status. But they would be judging a book by its cover. In all honesty, I had never needed for money. I made several wise investments over the year, decades even, and financially am well off. But just because one has money doesn’t mean one needs to spend it. 

The only actual indulgence in my life has been Cat. I walked into the bedroom, and sure enough, there he was, sitting in the center of the bed, king of the world. As soon as he saw me, he stood up, stretched a long stretch, and slowly made his way towards me. Then continued onward to the kitchen. His needs were simple and easy to meet. Food and shelter. Made him the perfect companion for me. In fact, he and I were two of a kind. I didn’t need much more than that myself. 

Cat also provided me a sounding board when I had to discuss a case or an issue I had. He always listened. And by listened, I mean he didn’t immediately leave the room when I started talking. I know people say you might be crazy if you start talking to animals. I think you become crazy when they start talking back. That hasn’t happened yet, so I feel comfortable with my rap sessions. 

“Hey, Cat,” I said, as I stepped into the kitchen. He gave one short mew in response. Yet, I knew exactly what he was saying. It helped that he was standing by his food dish as well. I headed to one of the cabinets and pulled out a Tuna Surprise can. One more mew from Cat as the can opener did its work, then I poured out his feast into the bowl. While he started eating, I grabbed the water dish and refreshed it for him.

“So, I know you’re not going to understand this, but today is going to be our last day together.” Cat continued eating, obviously not bothered at all by the news. “I have to go away. And I don’t know where I’m going to go. It’s best if I take you to a shelter and let you find a new home.”

I sighed. It had been a good seven years, but it was tiring living the way I was living. It had been so long since I had even had a clue about the case that has haunted me for so long, I didn’t even know what I was trying to do anymore. I merely went from small town to small town, trying to help as many people as possible. But was I really doing any good, or was I fooling myself? There was too much blood on my hands to be washed away with these simple acts. 

I watched Cat as he continued to eat. He’d only been with me one year, but I’d grown pretty fond of the fuzzball. I would be sad to see him go. But it was time. 

One good thing about getting these jobs in the police departments was that it gave me access to completely erase myself from the system once I moved from one place to another, and to completely recreate myself as someone else when I moved. I hadn’t yet made the change this time, as I wasn’t sure exactly what I would be doing next.

“I’m so tired, Cat,” I said, leaning on the counter behind me. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like I’ve had a purpose. I think it’s time to give up. He got away clean. For all I know, he may be dead and I’ve been chasing ghosts all this time. Wouldn’t that just be the funniest thing ever? Here I am looking to serve justice, and it may already have been served to him?”

I stepped back into the living room and grabbed a laptop sitting on a bookshelf. That laptop had my only indulgence, but I found it useful in gathering information. It still amazed me how technology had advanced throughout the world to the point where entire libraries could be stored in something that weighed less than a single book.

I opened the laptop and, after accessing a virtual private network and opening an incognito page, did a search for recent murders. I found plenty, because people are always killing people, but nothing that resembled the methods of my quarry. This nightly ritual had become cursory by this point. I had to admit defeat. 

Cat, done with his meal, leapt up onto the sofa and plopped himself down on the laptop’s keyboard. This was his own little nightly ritual. A long mew let me know it was time to pay attention to him. I stroked his soft, ebony fur and within moments, he was purring. So easy to make him happy.

“Well, Cat,” I murmured, “I think this is it for me. I’ll have to figure out how to best divest myself of my money, and then find a remote place where I can…move on.” Even after all this time, I couldn’t bring myself to say the word. No matter how long one lives, the idea of death still paralyzes man.

“But,” I continued, “those are problems for tomorrow. Tonight, I should…tonight, I should go see some men about an engagement party.”

I stood outside Rosie’s Pub, looking in the window. It was a festive scene indeed. My soon-to-be ex-compatriots laughed, drank, and seemed to pick on a young redhead. Yes, that redhead was Joey. I remembered now. 

As I stood outside, a slow drizzle of rain pouring down

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