
NaNo Week 4!

So, we’re coming around the bend to the finish line. A little over a week to go before the madness concludes. This weekend has been a difficult one for me to motivate myself to write. Yesterday, I only wanted to get to 35K and wrote very few words, which put me in a deficit for today. I tried something that had been suggested by another writer as a way to boost my word count. I did three 30 minute sprints with a 10 minute break in between each sprint, and I managed to get over 2,000 words today. I’m about 300 words away from the actual 75% mark, and I just started my Break into 3 scene. So, I’m a wee bit ahead of the beat sheet percentages, but I should be able to make this work. Assuming I know what’s going to happen in the finale. I have some vague ideas, but I imagine I’ll know in time.

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