
NaNo Day 12

A little late on my update today. But I spent the better part of the morning mulling over my story and where it was headed. I know the midpoint, but still needed more words before getting there. I was hoping that the big reveal would hit right at word 25,000, but I still have 3,600 words before hitting that milestone. Could this scene be that long? Possibly. But more than likely, it will fall just a bit short of the mark. But no matter. That’s where the rewrite comes in. And, if something comes to me that would fit before the midpoint, then I can write that and bring my midpoint to the right place. In the meantime, here’s another 1k words or so.


But my mind was still in a haze of confusion. What was Jack’s game here? Why was he having Xavier take pictures of me? It appeared he was trying to set me up as the one who killed the girl at the Paradise Inn, and he might even be trying to frame me for the others. I needed to find him and stop him before he could carry out that plan, if that was actually his plan. I was feeling like the mouse, just before the cat was done playing with him.

As if he heard my thoughts, Cat meowed loudly, demanding attention. “Okay, okay,” I told him. “Calm down, your food’s coming.”

I knew at this point, if I could find Xavier, I could pressure him enough to give up Jack. After all, no matter what Jack was paying him, once Xavier understood the extremity of Jack’s actions, he would want no part in covering for a killer. But, what if Xavier knew what Jack was doing? What if the two of them were working together?

I brushed that thought aside. That was impossible. Jack never worked with others, preferring the glory of the kill to himself. At best, he was using Xavier as a pawn. But pawns could take down kings, and it was possible that I could use Xavier for just that. But first, I had to get into his apartment to be able to take him in for questioning.

It was a gloomy, overcast day as I stood on the corner, waiting for the bus. It appeared the skies would open up at any moment. I had remembered to bring my umbrella, so I was not too worried about the weather. My concern was for the conversation I would have to have with Captain Alistair regarding the warrant. How to bring up the photographer and the photos without going into detail about Jack. How to keep Xavier from mentioning the break in to his apartment. That last would probably not be possible. I would just have to hope that, in light of his connection to Jack, it would be overlooked.

The bus pulled up, and I paid my fare, and took my usual seat at the back. As I passed the other passengers, it seemed that they had all been affected by the weather. Their faces were drawn tight, or their features were downcast. No one smiled. 

I watched the scenery go by my window absently as I mulled over what I knew so far. I knew Jack knew I was here. The photos and my name on the wall proved that. Unlike other times, he appeared to not be running, but rather taunting me this time. He had managed to enlist the aid of Xavier in taking the photos, either through bribery or possibly violence. I would not put the latter past Jack. But why? Why go through all this? If he knew where I was, if he knew how to find me, why not just kill me and be done with it? He had had plenty of opportunities. There was something more that Jack wanted this time, and my death did not appear to be on that list.

The photo of me at the Paradise Inn. Was that a warning from Jack? A suggestion to keep out of his way or he would frame me as the killer? Could it be that simple? Jack decided he didn’t want to run anymore and expected me to step aside based on his threats? Surely he knew me better than that. He killed my wife, and because of having to chase after him, I was robbed of spending my final moments with my daughter, who perished along with everyone else in Atlantis. There was nothing that would stop me from catching Jack, and this time, this time, I would pull that trigger.

I climbed the set of stairs that led to the second floor, as I did every day I came into work. I headed to the captain’s office, but was surprised to find he wasn’t in. He was always in before me and stayed past when I left. That would give me time to catch up on some paperwork, at least, while I waited for him to get in.

As I was working a file, my phone rang. “Officer Smith,”

“You don’t write, you don’t call,” a familiar female voice said. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you didn’t care.”

It took me a few seconds to place the voice with the person. “Jessica. From the stakeout. Right?”

“The one and only.”

“How can I help you?”

“I was hoping I could help you.”

I laid the file on the desk and leaned back in my chair. “You have my attention.”

“Not over the phone. I want to talk to you face to face.”

My instincts kicked into overdrive. Was this another one of Jack’s distractions? Was she trying to set me up as well? “Well, you can come to the station and we can talk.”

“What I have to say is not for public consumption. Trust me, it’s best we discuss it in private.”

Yeah, this didn’t seem suspicious at all. “What can be so sensitive that it can’t be discussed over the phone.”

“You will find out when you meet me tonight. Nine p.m. Same place we met last time.”

“What makes you think I’ll be there?”

“Curiosity, more than anything, I’d imagine. See you tonight…Leonidas.”

Before I could react to that name, there was a click. My mind whirled. No one alive should know that name. No one other than Jack.

That had been my Atlantean name, but I found it cumbersome and so, centuries ago, I shortened it to Leon. She had to be involved with Jack. That was proof. Maybe I would show up this evening after all and see what Jack was trying to do.

Before I could ponder that conversation any further, Captain Alistair showed up and headed directly for his office, paying no attention to the greetings from the other officers. I gave him fifteen minutes to settle in, then made my way to his door. A little knock to get his attention, and he waved me in.

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