
Consulting the Road Map

Ten percent done, several changes already have popped up in my plotting, and so it’s time to revisit the beat sheet. Just as if I were traveling cross-country and chose to take a different route, I’d want to make sure I was planning the rest of the trip properly. And who knows, there may be more detours to take, but as long as I can keep track of where I’m going, I should be able to get to my destination. So, this morning, instead of another thousand words, I’ve revised my beat sheet. Again, fair warning, SPOILERS AHEAD.

    Leon in the precinct surrounded by coworkers, yet alone
  2. SETUP (1-10%)
    Leon has been alone for a long, long time, except for his cat. He has had no romance or close relationships, and he’s given up his life-long mission
  3. THEME STATED (5%)
    What good is money and time if you have no one to share it with?
  4. CATALYST (10%)
    A prostitute is murdered. Leon’s name and photos are left at the scene by Jack
  5. DEBATE (10-20%)
    Leon wants to work the case alone, because that’s how it’s always been for him in the past. Ernie keeps trying to help, but keeps getting shut out.
  6. BREAK INTO 2 (20%)
    After much debate, Leon finally lets Ernie help and eventually tells him who he really is.
  7. B STORY (22%)
    Jessica, a third Atlantis survivor, shows up in town, having seen a news story about the murder that mentioned Leon. She is posing as a prostitute to lure Jack.
  8. FUN & GAMES (20-50%)
    Leon keeps drawing closer to the killer. He’s investigating the similar murder that happened seven years ago as well (upward momentum)
  9. MIDPOINT (50%)
    Leon discovers where Jack is. He is the police captain, who has undergone surgery.
  10. BAD GUYS CLOSE IN (50-75%)
    Leon confronts Jack, alone, and Jack admits to everything. He also admits to having set up Leon as the killer. He calls officers over to arrest Leon, who escapes out the window.
  11. ALL IS LOST (75%)
    Jack turns the entire police force agains Leon. Leon is on the run.
  12. DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL (75-80%)
    Leon hides out at the Twin Palms, figuring the scene of the crime is the last place they’d look. Runs into Jessica again. Is unsure how he will ever catch Jack.
  13. BREAK INTO 3 (80%)
    Leon finally realizes he can’t do this alone. Contacts Ernie. He’s part of a team now, no longer trying it alone. Jessica admits she’s his daughter and acknowledges his full name, Leonidas.
  14. FINALE (80-100%)
    Jessica informs Leon there are others. He now has an army of his own to confront Jack. They only need to catch him in the act now.
  15. FINAL IMAGE (100%)
    Leon riding with his fellow immortals to “HOME”

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